Company philosofy

Developer first

Don't be product or client oriented, just do the correct thing. As Warren Buffet said, "if you want to proffit, contract the best and let them do what they do the best, or contract the cheapest ones and make them do what you dictate". A developer relaxed, motivated, with a purposse, recognized by its work and feeling realized will lead to increase project quality, that in the long term will lead to shorter schedules and happier clients.

Important things first

"Don't let urgent tasks don't let you do the important ones". Keep one day a week to do code clean-up, refactoring and maintenance tasks, and plan your schudle toward it. Fridays seems a good weekday, since people is usually already thinking on the weekend instead of work and productivity levels are lower after a full working week, so a "mind context switch" on their main tasks to do some other lower priority ones like improving documentation or test coverage, fixing code hacks and pending TODOs, contribute to some Open Source project used by the company, or experiment and learn with some new technologies will lead them to do some short-timed low-skills tasks that will keep them productive and motivated without demanding too much attention and also being more focused during these last working week hours, and take a fresh breath to don't bring job problems to home during the weekend. These hours could also be used to work on side projects that could bring some proffitability to the company in the future by openning oportunities in new development areas, too.

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